
A centre for the treatment of eating disorders

Contact us on 01603 452226 or email us

Anorexia Nervosa
The Facts
Bulimia Nervosa
The Facts

A centre for the treatment of eating disorders

Support for Families and Carers

We know that carers, family members, and friends can have a significant role in a person’s recovery from their eating disorder, but often they describe feeling uncertain of how they can help, feel overwhelmed by worry, or in the case of adults even feel excluded from their loved one’s treatment. This can increase feelings of isolation, helplessness, and loss that are common to many in this situation. Often families and carers require help in understanding the nature of this complex and confusing illness, as well as specific skills training to empower them within their care giving role. At Newmarket House we have a Carer and Family Lead who supports the families and carers of our patients. She can think with them about their needs and work alongside them from the point of admission through to discharge. 

Our Carer and Family Lead will contact the families and carers of patients soon after their arrival to introduce herself, the treatment programme, and the ongoing support available to them during their loved one’s admission. This is offered in person, via the telephone, or virtually, and there are also regular support group sessions, as well as skills workshops for families and carers.

Alongside this, family therapy is available. This will be discussed with your loved one and arranged to fit in with families and carers own schedules.

All professionals working within mental health services are bound by professional codes of conduct to a duty of confidentiality to their patient. On arriving at Newmarket House patients are asked if they give consent for the team to contact and share information about them with identified family members and carers.


Garden room